Backyard Poultry Production Website
Click here to be directed to this website. The website has information needed to assist clients who have questions about keeping backyard poultry, a webinar from Dr. Timothy McDermott, fact sheet lists, a link to vets who see poultry and the selling/washing/handling egg fact sheet as well.
Basic Information About Chickens
Unfortunately, the 4-H Poultry Resource book is currently not available for purchase. There is a 143 page electronic resource for those who would like additional information. This resource can be downloaded click here, for use at home or printed out for your members to use.
Poultry Resources for Ohio 4-H - Click here for a list of poultry resources which will assist you in learning about your 4-H poultry project and completing your project & record book.
Winter and Your Backyard Chickens - Click here to be directed to information on raising and caring for chicken during the winter months.
Predators of Poultry - Click here to be directed to information on this topic.
For additional poultry information visit the Ohio 4-H website at: